Saturday, June 15, 2013

Socially Correct and Judgemental

Does a Middle class Indian have freedom of choice?

In a society where I come from a person should be "Socially Correct". What do our parents want from us? They do want our happiness but then we should always be socially correct.Parents do give their children choices but if they choose a path which is not as per the approval of society they can never stand for you or give you freedom to choose what you want.

What Socially Correct actually means is your choices in life should be approved by people, most of whom never made their choices by themselves, are not very happy in what they do.These people are constantly thinking of what people will think for most of things they do.

And then to add to things people are really judgmental of choices made.Say if somebody decides to be an entrepreneur , people will be judgmental of why? Does is have any problems in finding a job.... and God forbid if it fails another set of never ending ....Its could be an endless list of examples.

We say that we are really close knit society, really?? Its a society where people close to you always are judgmental and if your choices are not something they approve of,they will declare you a
"stupid person" and you would become the talk to town.People would call up your parents and constantly ask about you showing they are a well wisher and then your parents again pressurizing you, something we call "Social Pressure".

Who gave right to people to judge? Why cant i make choices by myself ?

At 18 we have right to vote, but no right to choose things like do i want to marry or not, what career path i should take.....what clothes i should wear..... The list never ends and every stage, from the time you go to school to day you are alive .. it is a never ending trap where people just keep judging you.

I just hope when we grow up we give our children all the freedom to do things they want, and be really happy with that, be never judgmental of them and let them be happy for what they are, doing what they want.

1 comment:

  1. so true:) socially correct is an apt word and socially correct is relative to what kind of society is it :)
